Sunday, January 15, 2012

Day 15

It's Sunday! That means it's time for another performance from the Rondalla Cristiana Soldados de la Fe. When translated, that essentially means we're a group of Christian guitaristas and soldiers of the faith." We got to play about three songs today and what made this particular performance special was that I got to share part of my bow tie collection with the fellas. We each wore a shade of purple with our black suits while we played. To check out our music please visit our youtube channel here.

Today's bow tie was donated by the generous folks over at It features this vibrant yellow crest on a solid purple tie. Very regal, no?


  1. These are nice. But why no reversible bow ties?

  2. Thanks for noticing! I actually wore one on Day 10 and I have another one or two on the way. I'm certainly a fan of reversible bows!

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