Friday, July 20, 2012

Day 201

I can hardly believe that there are just a few more days before I join my team for another year at Bushwick. While I'm pretty excited about facing a new school year together, I must admit the sense of urgency I have to savor the sweet fellowship of my family. 

I handcrafted a few seersucker clip-ons for the boys to wear at a wedding we were all invited to next week and I thought I'd give one a test run just for fun. Speaking of fun, we took a quick trip to Porkpie Hatters, which is affiliated with my favorite hatter in NYC, JJ Hat Center on 5th Ave. I believe JJ's the oldest standing hat shop in the city and I'm proud to have been a customer there for over a decade now. When I heard they opened a shop in nearby Williamsburg I knew I had to check them out. Stay tuned to see what I found!

1 comment:

  1. I would totally buy an Avengers bow tie.
    Let me know if you make any and if you would sell them.

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