Thursday, April 19, 2012

Day 110

So what's up with guys making excuses for not wanting to wear short sleeve shirts? I don't get it. I really think some dudes just lack the confidence (you might have heard the term synonymous swagger thrown around) to rock something and really own it. You have to own everything you do. If I'm tying my shoe laces - man, I own that process. If I'm writing my aims on the board (when I remember to, that is), man I take pride in that scribble scrabble (actually my handwriting is often mistaken for a female's). You have to own what you wear. I recently came across an article on bow ties where men freely commented that they only wore a bow tie when they "needed to" because they were to afraid to introduce it into their daily wardrobe. Whatevs, man. Have some (pride, that is).

Ironically, today's bow is a gift from This Humble Abode. Look them up - they're awesome peeps. I'm ridiculously infatuated with this pattern. I may have taken a bit of attention away from it with the bold stripes, but it's all good. If you're inclined to pray, please pray for our little Javi. He's been suffering from some allergies this week and had some difficult breathing last night so my wife took him to the ER. On the better side of things, the boys have earned a sponsor and will be able to play in their first soccer league this upcoming June. How cool is that? Very cool.

1 comment:

  1. That's funny to read and never thought of it, cause I care little for what other guys do, but I guess you're right though. Explains why I've gotten so many comments on my bow ties and short sleeves :-)

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