Friday, June 15, 2012

Day 167

Have I told you how much I enjoy incorporating my instagram photos into this blog? I do. The filters shed a different light on the photos I normally take during this adventure, and allow me to see things in a new perpective. There's wisdom in looking at things from different points of view, and that's what I was given when I initially thought, TGIF. My trainer, God bless him always pushing me out of my comfort zone, said GTIF. In his terms, he means Get Tough it's Friday. In other words, don't slow down when you come to the end of your race. Muster up the strength to finish your week in strong fashion. True rest will come on the other side of eternity. For now, I must fight on.

Today's bow was a generous gift to keep me fighting the achievement gap in style. A thousand thank yous to Xoelle who is commited to fightin along with me every month until this challenge is over. Back to the trenches ...


  1. Thank you for your shares. Your insight is most often refreshing.
    Happy Friday!

  2. Happy Friday, indeed! Thanks Jewels =)

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